Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Mr. Morrison

So I'm reading the first trade of Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers of Victory and it's Volume One so it's going good not great and I'm listening to Cat Power as usual when I come to a line that pleases me. I will now type it here.

Cass: Your apprentice glides silently around the room in a way that makes my chakras incredibly nervous.

Misty: That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

Maybe it's a context thing or something but it just knocked me out.

Anyway, this is a blog! On to the angst! I am sick of feeling like I don't have any control over the direction of my life, which is exactly how my latest set of troubles with my visa makes me feel. I'm sick of not feeling like an adult, because pretty clearly everything that I deal with in my life is pretty much not kid stuff. I'm sick of feeling angsty at all because that really is kid stuff, and I had rather hoped by now it would have passed. Maybe it doesn't? I don't know. It had better.

I miss James pretty terribly, which is odd given how long we've been able to keep apart in the past. I like my new sort-of friends Monica and Johnny. They're really sweet and were clearly the best part of an already pretty great wedding. 

I think that lilies are terribly brutish and indelicate and someone should give them a talking to.

I think maybe I'll just go wallow in my own ridiculous brain until I get it together enough to say ENOUGH! Were that it would be soon let's pray.

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