Thursday, 5 June 2008

From todays comics haul:

All Star Superman 11 was fucking amazing. Next issue is the last and my heart is broken for this. Craig, you will dig this. It's epic in all the right ways.

Crecy is brutal and funny as all get-out.

The X-men omnibus is pretty amazing and is 900 pages.

Starman Omnibus is yet to be read. 

Final Crisis saw the Martian Manhunter die and that was really terrible. This is less than a year after the New Frontier made me fall in love with him.

Seven Soldiers book 2 will, I suspect, be more of the same.

Casanova book 1 big big hardcover makes me wish I was on issues for the backmatter but this is a gorgeous production. Loving the oversize. Fraction will not be defeated.

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