Sunday, 29 June 2008

Fuck everyone who doesn't understand that Wanted is supposed to be funny. Seriously?
some people make me feel like shit. Bates makes me feel pretty great most of the time. No cats agree with me, by the way.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

So Far

So today I listened to the Go-Go's and the Capstan Shafts but mostly I'm excited about

I guess maybe it's sad when all you like is emo albums from the middle nineties, but such is my lot.

As usual, I'm pleased when things are pleasant. Not fucking likely I guess.

My life is an uninteresting font.

Ok Ok you were right.

I will now fold clothes, take a bath, clean the litter box, brush teeth, smoke a little, brew coffee, and set off to work. I can't imagine the first job of the day taking more than 5-6 hours and I can't imagine the second job taking more than 4 hours and then I can't imagine my return to the first job will take me more than 5 hours and holy fuck shit that's a minimum of 14 hours and my eyes already hurt. Someone do something nice for me or there will be blood.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Oh no new cypeau

AKA Photo Booth on my new computer means you're all fucked

AKA the two photos that switch back and forth and my desktop wallpaper

Monday, 23 June 2008

Bible study was erm consternating. Now I'm listening to the Devil and Me. It's not great, but it swallows me up. I love Mars right now. I love love love it. 

Hello internets.

Rosie came and visited me! Was scared, but everything worked out for the best. My house wasn't as clean as I had hoped and my liver may, god help me, never recover, but success nonetheless. Maybe reports to follow later in the night as I go into a sleep deprived delirium. 

Monday, 16 June 2008

"Do you want to smoke a cigarette with me in the bathroom?" is my new favorite pickup line.

I guess I love all the Ellis men. Warren, Brett, the other Warren.

Read this right now.
So I finally saw Charlie Bartlett, and now I will tell you why it was phenomenal. 

First, this film is made for me. Surprise, surprise, I enjoy films about precocious youths that match their charm only with their abnormality. I can't imagine why. The lead actor is just great, and you can actually believe him as a high schooler, which is a rare occurrence in these films, and a welcome treat. Sure, he's cool; but he's not really that much cooler than the coolest kid you knew growing up. You maybe admired him when you were a freshman and he was a senior, and you maybe weren't sure why. I'm not saying that there aren't moments that require suspension of disbelief, in fact there are many, but none of them were really plot-killers for me. I admit that I showed up to love this film, but I didn't plan to love it this much. 

Second, Robert Downey Jr. I think that there's a case to be made that he is the finest actor of his generation. He has this way of being magnetic and scenery chewing without being emotionally dishonest or unbelievable. He's fantastic at walking up to the line and smiling across it without quite stepping over it. 

Third, the direction. This film has gotten a lot of "Rushmore it ain't" criticism. Of course it has. The thing is, and this is a lesser film than that masterpiece, Charlie Bartlett doesn't aim for the same level of idiosyncratic delirium that Wes Anderson has made his hallmark. This feels like a back-handed compliment, but I think that this particular film benefits from not being directed by an auteur. That isn't to say that John Poll is strictly a workman class director, and he's not made enough for me to feel like I really have his voice, but he doesn't let himself and his station get bigger than the story or the actors. There's a temptation to take scripts like this and quirk the films sensibilities to the point of absurdity, but again, if you're not Wes Anderson, that tends to be an easy way to get yourself into trouble. Charlie Bartlett has just enough of a visual language to make it feel unique without making it twee, which again, is the temptation.

Fourth, the script. I'm not going to pretend that the script is perfect and new and completely original, because it's not, but I am very excited by Gustin Nash, who's absurdly young and already understands that the most powerful way to get the point across is to subvert some tropes and adhere to others, providing a familiar framework without the feeling that you're re-watching a film you've seen many, many times before. I think Youth in Revolt is going to be epic.

Just sayin'

Sunday, 15 June 2008

So today, I guess, is going to be blurry. I've brushed my teeth many times, but I can't get the taste away. Blerg.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

I'm drinking K Cider 'round Craigs. I know we don't have a service tomorrow, but we still have to be along to a different church. All I need is Panzer Goggles and a good cuddle. Failing that, Panzer Goggles. I am probably too drunk to be interneting.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

MarsPhoenix Many ask how I'm programmed, how do I get new instrux each day? My buds on Earth write it and beam it up. Read:

MarsPhoenix I know it LOOKS easy, but you try following instructions sent from 182 million miles away! Next sample goes to microscope, poss Wednesday.

I got twittered those from the MARZ ROBOT. I still love the future.

Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok

So I watched a film just now called Totally Fucked Up by Gregg Araki. It's one of those New Queer Cinema films from the early nineties, I think 1993. This is to say, the acting is not great, the film was made for nothing and looks like it was made for less than nothing, and it's got an ending that, to me, screams "I don't know how to stop this, so I guess I'll do this now." Whatever. I love this film. I love love love love love this film. Here's the thing: This is one of the first times I've seen a queer film where the teenagers in it act like normal teenagers. The drama of dealing with monogamy, relationships with parents, apathy, violence, is fairly universal. The circumstances are different when you're gay, y'know, slightly, but I guess it's pretty fucked up either way. Every other gay movie ever deals with child abuse/ sexual abuse, and AIDS. A couple of those movies are pretty good, but jesus, there's more to being gay than getting touched as a kid and dying. Seriouly. Whatever, my thoughts are scattered, but this film wins.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Mr. Morrison

So I'm reading the first trade of Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers of Victory and it's Volume One so it's going good not great and I'm listening to Cat Power as usual when I come to a line that pleases me. I will now type it here.

Cass: Your apprentice glides silently around the room in a way that makes my chakras incredibly nervous.

Misty: That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

Maybe it's a context thing or something but it just knocked me out.

Anyway, this is a blog! On to the angst! I am sick of feeling like I don't have any control over the direction of my life, which is exactly how my latest set of troubles with my visa makes me feel. I'm sick of not feeling like an adult, because pretty clearly everything that I deal with in my life is pretty much not kid stuff. I'm sick of feeling angsty at all because that really is kid stuff, and I had rather hoped by now it would have passed. Maybe it doesn't? I don't know. It had better.

I miss James pretty terribly, which is odd given how long we've been able to keep apart in the past. I like my new sort-of friends Monica and Johnny. They're really sweet and were clearly the best part of an already pretty great wedding. 

I think that lilies are terribly brutish and indelicate and someone should give them a talking to.

I think maybe I'll just go wallow in my own ridiculous brain until I get it together enough to say ENOUGH! Were that it would be soon let's pray.

Thursday, 5 June 2008

I found an essay I wrote for Bates one time in an afternoon and I guess James is right, I used to be smarter. She got an A
I've started thumbnailing my next comic. The premise is two people who start life on different continents who have powers that only work when they're near each other. I've got a dialog free script and pretty solid structure. I'm hoping this one turns out better.
From todays comics haul:

All Star Superman 11 was fucking amazing. Next issue is the last and my heart is broken for this. Craig, you will dig this. It's epic in all the right ways.

Crecy is brutal and funny as all get-out.

The X-men omnibus is pretty amazing and is 900 pages.

Starman Omnibus is yet to be read. 

Final Crisis saw the Martian Manhunter die and that was really terrible. This is less than a year after the New Frontier made me fall in love with him.

Seven Soldiers book 2 will, I suspect, be more of the same.

Casanova book 1 big big hardcover makes me wish I was on issues for the backmatter but this is a gorgeous production. Loving the oversize. Fraction will not be defeated.

I got New Clothes NEU CLOTHESESES! It was really fun! Surprisingly!
Oh man I just went several days without internets. I almost killed myself. Went out today and bought clothes and shoes. Pictures to follow. I'm talking to you James.

Monday, 2 June 2008

Blew My Little Mind!1!!!!!!!

Also go buy prints from Bates. She's crazy but she's pretty talented. I know, unbelievable.
I'm going to go watch Scratch and then go play video games with my minister. Obviously I will report back.
I get twitters from this: 

We live in the future. I love living in the future.
Me To James : "I want someone to sever my spine so I can go to sold out stuff constantly."

James To Me : "You that's a good idea."

Pretty sure I'm going to hell. 

And to Tom Waits Concerts. 

Oh Mirrors

Argyle sweater, Mets PJ bottoms, Hand Rolled Cigarettes. Will I ever tire of Metal Heart?

Sunday, 1 June 2008

In a shock move, my plans are fucked. I need a date to stuart murdoch's wedding. Holla at me.
Thank you to the following: Greg Rucka, Geoff Johns, Peter David, Iced Tea, Egg Sandwhich, Re-Up Gang, iFanboy, King 'Frankie' Mob, Lulu, Kelly Sue, Twitter, Kevin Rose, Zero Punctuation, and Bath Tub, you've made my evening quite pleasant. 
Words that I am in love with today are paranoiac and verisimilitude


This latest Re-Up Gang mixtape is absolutely fierce.

 in the tub

Thats fucking right

Tom Waits two nights in a row. Tom Waits Two Nights In A Row.