Sunday, 4 January 2009


I guess the thing is that my life has become ordinary. My friends were rock stars. My friends were ministers and professors and dancers and DJs and crazies and freaks of all kinds. I was a stranger in a delightfully strange land. I belonged because NONE of us belonged.

Now my life is ordinary. My friends are hairdressers and bar tenders and waiters and they have no higher aspirations. This doesn't make them bad people, it doesn't make them bad friends. It just means that even though I'm in a new city, every day is not an adventure. I walk around, I hand in job applications, I go to the two restaurants I like, I go to the two bars that I like. I go to the movies alone. OK, I've always done that. I don't hate what things have ended up as, I am just not excited by it.

1 comment:

Mr. Erikson said...

Aw James I know, there's really no place like Glasgow. I might be putting my chips on Austin or Portland...trying to find someplace affordable and cool where I could bring Bottle Rocket funtimes.