Sunday, 18 May 2008


Californication and Cat Power are Crack to Me.

New tattoo design almost done. 

I started Project Runway with Season 4, and now, going back to Season 2, HOLY FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE UNTALENTED. It's amazing to see a show work in such stark opposition to the traditional television truism of diminishing returns. I spent the afternoon doing clerical work for my friend David whilst watching, and it was kind of perfect. The juxtaposition of the lala drama and excel spreadsheets was delightful and I recommend it fully. 

I will now go and paint four bathrooms. How did this life happen to me?

PS Movie night with James tomorrow! 90s Teen Theme!

PPS I just got an invitation to my super super cool friend Mai's When I Grow Up, I Want to Be... party. Initial thoughts? Fuck I don't know, I've got this fucking beard. I hate bets!

PPPS Oh Oops, as promised, bandanacity. 

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